Shepard's pie, originally known as cottage pie, originated in Western Europe as a hearty meal that could be afforded by common folk as it was composed of mashed potatoes, vegetables and cooked meat scraps. recipe Ground beef was used in this recipe, likely because it has alot of surface area and was easy to cook with the vegetables. We basically cooked a skilletfull of vegetables and ground beef, then poured that into a mashed potato shell.
I do not eat beef, so I did not sample our final product, which looked a little bit like this picture from this website.
As a vegetarian friendly accent to our dish we made a buttermilk biscuits recipe. Like most pastries and breads this recipe includes a leavening agent, which is used to created gas bubbles and soften the final product. Butter has to be "cut-in" to the dough in order to produce the flakey texture one associates with biscuits or perhaps scones. I personally think this is the most crititcal part of the final product.
this picture came from here
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