Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blog #8: Swiss Fondue

5 roles of onions in cooking:

1. In powdered form, onions can serve as a potent and flavorful seasoning.
2. When caramelized and reduced, the can serve as the star of a dish such as in French onion soup.
3. "Pickler" onions can shockingly pickled to produce a powerful snack.
4. Sweet onions can bring surprisingly light but sugary flavor to dishes highlighting fresh foods.
5. The texture of onions is highly sought after as it literally explodes in a juicy but crisp crunch.

Although Fondue began as a Swiss and French dish specifically referring to dipping foods into a communal pot of melted cheese, the term has since been broadened to include any cooking method involving a communal pot of hot liquid. The three most prevalent types of Fondue are:

1. Traditional Cheese Fondue-often chunks of bread or cooked meat are dipped.
2. Sweet Chocolate Fondue-Fruits or sweet breads are dipped.
3. Fondue Bourguignonne- Uncooked meats are cooked in hot oil.

This information and more can be found here.

Picture of Easy Cheesy Fondue with Fingerling Potatoes, French Bread and Select Vegetables Recipe
Check out the recipe.
Unfortunately I did not get to particpate in the making or consuming of this dish, but I can say from the one New Years Eve in which I ate at the "Melting Pot", it is delicious.

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