Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blog #9: Polish Perogi

5 things I learned from the DeVry visit:

I learned that DeVry is not a very good option for me.
I learned that DeVry made up their own result names for the MB personality test. I am an INFP or an INTP depending on the day. I have had to take the full test 4 times.
I learned I don't want to install equipment.
I learned school doesn't have to be expensive
I learned that their are very clever ways to use technology to attract students attention and sell your product, in this case, a school.

The Perogi:

My favorite fact about this dish is that it has eleven accepted spellings. This is likely because it is and incredibly widespread and variant dish, embraced by many eastern European and central European countries. Despite how prolific variations are, it is generally associated with the nation of Poland, and the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The name comes from the slavic root pir- which means festivity. The dish has ceremonial significance in multiple cultures.

Five common dishes prepared in Polish cuisine are:
1. Kotlet schabowy
2. Zrazy
3. Kielbasa
4. Golabki
5. Bigos

The process was very complicated for me, I have trouble understanding how dough is made and gauged. Also, it was confusing to me that the potatoes were cooked, then wrapped and cooked, and finally cooked a 3rd time on high heat. This seemed redundant. The keys to success are properly sealing the dumplings and not dropping the dough.

Grandma's Polish Perogies Recipe
Check the recipe here.
They were pretty tasty, a great snack to keep you going through the day. I didn't get hungry until mid fourth period, that is impressive.

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